Le nostre installazioni in tutto il mondo

Siamo orgogliosi del fatto che i nostri prodotti siano apprezzati, non solo in Svezia, ma in tutto il mondo! Di seguito, una selezione di ospedali e cliniche dove vengono utilizzati i prodotti Rini.


RDM Hospital, Baku


Az. Sint-Jan Brygge Oostende, Brugge

Dr Goes Eye center, Antwerpen

Oogartsenpraktijk Veugelen, Tienen

Oogcentrum, Gent

Sint Rembertziekenhuis VZM, Torhout

University hospital of Brussels, Brussels

Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, Genk


Zhejiang Eye Hospital, Zhejiang

Czech Republic

The eye department at Sumperk Hospital, Sumperk


Barrada Eye Center, Giza

Eye International Hospital, Cairo

Eye Sub Specialty Hospital, Heliopolis

Eyoun Shobra Hospital, Shobra

Tanta University Hospital, Tanta


Helsinki University hospital, Helsinki

Tampere University hospital, Tampere

Turku University hospital, Turku


Centre Hospitalier de Libourne, Libourne

Centre Hospitalier d’Hazebrouck, Hazebrouck

Clinique Saint Michel & Sainte Anne, Quimper

15/20 Hospital des Quinze Vingt, Paris


Bioclinic general hospital, Athens

General Hospital of Kavala, Kavala

General hospital of Tripoli Panarkadiko “Evangelistria”, Tripoli

Georgios Papanikolaou general hospital, Thessaloniki

Health Center of Lemnos hospital, Lemnos island

Papageorgiou general hospital, Thessaloniki


Debrecen medical University Eye Clinic, Debrecen


Jakarta Eye hospital group

Klinik Mata Nusantara group

RSCM Kirana, Jakarta


Mater Private Hospital, Cork


Centro private, Torino

Ospedale Beato Palazzolo, Bergamo

Ospedale civile, Alba

Ospedale civile, Alessandria

Ospedale civile, Crema

Ospedale civile, Cuneo

Ospedale civile, Savigliano

Ospedale civile (vendita Emmeci), Zingonia

Policlinico San Marco, Zingoria


Asato Ophthalmology Hospital, Naha

Imaizumi Ophthalmology Hospital, Kooriyama

Osaka Municipal General Medical Center, Osaka

Sugita Ophthalmology Hospital, Nagoya

Todoroki Ophthalmology Clinic, Tokyo


Asan Medical Center, Seoul

Catholic unversity hospital, Bucheon

Cheonnam University hospital, Kwangjoo

Dangook university, Cheonan

Onnuri Eye Hospital, Cheonjoo

Seoul national university Hospital, Seoul


Centro Medico Pensiones hospital, Merida

Centro Oftalmologico de Ensenada clinic, Ensenada

Clinica Oftalmica Laser Choza, Guadalajara

Clinica Oftalmica Laser Choza, Guadalajara

Conde de Valenciana hospital, Mexico City

Conde de Valenciana hospital, Santa Fe Mexico City

Impact Laser clinic, Mexico City

Laser Ocular Lomas clinic, Mexico City

Vision Clinica Ocular, Irapuato


Betanien hospital, Skien

Innlandet Lillehammer hospital, Lillehammer

Molde hospital, Molde

Østfold HF hospital, Fredrikstad

Østfold Moss hospital, Moss

St. Olavs hospital, Trondheim


Cavite Medical Center, Cavite

Fatima University Medical Center group, Antipolo

Fatima University Medical Center group, Valenzuela

Nueva Ecija Eye Center, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija

Valenzuela Medical Center, Valenzuela

Yanga Hospital, Bulacan


Hospital Distrital, Mirandela


Boksitogorskaya Interdistrict Hospital, Saint Petersburg

Clinic Santa, Chelyabinsk

Eye Surgery Clinic, Kostroma

Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery, St-Peterburg

Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery, Ekaterinburg

Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery, Krasnodar

Helmgoltz Institute, Moscow

Medinvest Clinic, Voronezh

Nine Senses Clinic (Dental clinic), Moscow

Optimedservice Clinic, Ufa


IRMAN Clinic, Ljubljana

Okulistika Meh clinic, Sevnica


Hospital Dr. Gálvez, Malaga

Hospital Sanchinarro, Madrid

Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, Madrid

Sol Eyes Clinica Oftalmolôgica, Fuengirola


Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala

Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad, Karlstad

Hallands sjukhus, Halmstad

Karolinska universitetssjukhuset, Stockholm

Norrlands universitetssjukhus, Umeå

Skånes universitetssjukhus, Malmö

Södersjukhuset, Stockholm

S:t Eriks Ögonsjukhus, Stockholm

Stockholms Ögonklinik vid Sophiahemmet, Stockholm

Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset, Göteborg

Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping, Linköping

Universitetssjukhuset Örebro, Örebro

Västmanlands Sjukhus, Västerås


Acıbadem Hospital Group

Anamur State Hospital, Mersin

Bilkent City Hospital, Ankara

Cagin Eye Hospital, Izmit

Cukurova University School, Adana

Dünyagöz Hospital Group, Istanbul, Bursa, Antalya, Ankara, Sakarya, Kocaeli, Erzincan and Adana

Ekol Eye Hospital, Izmir

Florence Nightingale Hospital Group, Istanbul

Kaskaloglu Eye Hospital, Izmir

Kayseri City Hospital, Kayseri

LiV Hospital group, Istanbul and Ankara

Memorial Hospital Group

Medicalpark Hospital Group, Istanbul, Antalya

Vene Vidi Eye Hospital, Istanbul

United Kingdom

Advanced Vision Care, London

Andover War Memorial hospital, Andover

Bristol Eye hospital, Bristol

Colchester hospital, Colchester

Countess of Chester hospital, Chester

Crawley hospital, Crawley

Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin

East Surrey hospital, Redhill

Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich

Kirkwood Fife hospital, Aberdeen

Moorefield’s eye hospital, Bedford North

Moorefield’s eye hospital, Bedford South

Norfolk & Norwich University hospital, Norwich

Nuffield Health Leeds hospital, Leeds

Optegra Eye hospital, Manchester

Ramsay Yorkshire Clinic, Yorkshire

Royal Hampshire County hospital, Winchester

Salisbury District hospital, Salisbury

The Medical Eye Clinic, Exeter

West Cumberland Hospital, Cumberland

White Rose Surgery, Pontefract


Mayo Clinic Hospital, Arizona

St Vincent’s Riverside Hospital, Florida

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11 0
Malin swing- Dances around💃

The patient chair that will ease up the work, and make it possible to do examinations in a good ergonomic position, both seated and standing up, due to the wide range of movement.

#Malin #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #ophthalmologie

Malin swing- Dances around💃

The patient chair that will ease up the work, and make it possible to do examinations in a good ergonomic position, both seated and standing up, due to the wide range of movement.

#Malin #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #ophthalmologie

10 0
Today we celebrate Lucia in Sweden, it’s an annual celebration the 13th of December.
A girl dressed up as Lucia with a candle lit crown together with a full choir singing Christmas and Lucia songs together all dressed in white dresses.
This is a beautiful tradition to get some extra light, warmth, and joy in another dark and cold period here in Sweden just before Christmas.

#lucia #RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Today we celebrate Lucia in Sweden, it’s an annual celebration the 13th of December.
A girl dressed up as Lucia with a candle lit crown together with a full choir singing Christmas and Lucia songs together all dressed in white dresses.
This is a beautiful tradition to get some extra light, warmth, and joy in another dark and cold period here in Sweden just before Christmas.

#lucia #RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

10 0
Friday dance with the Carl Mk2 R7!

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Friday dance with the Carl Mk2 R7!

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

6 0
Carl Mk2E R7!

#Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Carl Mk2E R7!

#Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

9 0
Patient positioning should be simple!

With the RiEyes automatic motion and ability to get the operating table in good comfortable position without adding extra cushions, the patient positioning will be simple and fast.
you can ofcourse fine tune the table and individually change the position along with store your own position.

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Patient positioning should be simple!

With the RiEyes automatic motion and ability to get the operating table in good comfortable position without adding extra cushions, the patient positioning will be simple and fast.
you can ofcourse fine tune the table and individually change the position along with store your own position.

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

14 0
Small thing that can make a big difference.
We now have Lithium batteries to our Carl and Malin Chairs

In this case something you can't see the difference of,but when working you will notice the capacity!

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Small thing that can make a big difference.
We now have Lithium batteries to our Carl and Malin Chairs

In this case something you can`t see the difference of,but when working you will notice the capacity!

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

11 0
RiEye Mk2S Fast setup

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

RiEye Mk2S Fast setup

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

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Thank you 2024!

We would like to wish you all a happy holiday and a good start to 2025! 2024 is soon at an end and this time of the year is a good t...

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