Sedie chirurgiche

Sedie chirurgiche

Le sedie chirurgiche Rini della serie “Carl” sono progettate in modo ergonomico, disponibili con diversi braccioli speciali. Hanno numerose possibilità di regolazione dello schienale e della seduta e sono facili da sollevare e abbassare tramite pedale. Tutto ciò fornisce al chirurgo comfort di lavoro di alta qualità.

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Perché scegliere Rini?

Le sedie sono state sviluppate in collaborazione con chirurghi svedesi e internazionali. Diverse migliaia sono installate in tutto il mondo. Sono particolarmente adatte a diversi tipi di microchirurgia come neurochirurgia, otorinolaringoiatria, chirurgia plastica, robotica e chirurgia dentale.

Sedia chirurgica — Carl Mk2E R7

I braccioli “OneGrip” R7, regolabili elettricamente, sono ideali per le regolazioni s...

Vedi il prodotto
Chirurgo Sedia Braccioli Microchirurgia Oftalmologia ORL Neurochirurgia Chirurgia plastica Chirurgia dentale

Sedia chirurgica — Carl Mk2 R7

I braccioli R7 “OneGrip” sono utili quando è necessario effettuare piccole regolazio...

Vedi il prodotto
Chirurgo Sedia Braccioli Microchirurgia Oftalmologia ORL Neurochirurgia Chirurgia plastica Chirurgia dentale

Sedia chirurgica — Carl Mk2 R6

I braccioli R6 “Rilis” hanno una caratteristica di sicurezza brevettata che ne impedi...

Vedi il prodotto
Chirurgo Sedia Braccioli Microchirurgia Oftalmologia ORL Neurochirurgia Chirurgia plastica Chirurgia dentale

Sedia chirurgica — Carl Mk2 R5

I braccioli R5 “Easy” sono ideali in molte procedure chirurgiche dove sono richiesti ...

Vedi il prodotto
Surgeon Chair Armrests Microsurgery Ophthalmology ENT Neurosurgery Plastic Surgery Dental Surgery

Sedia chirurgica — Carl 4 Heel

Alimentata elettricamente con possibilità di regolazione dell’altezza con il tacco tramite...

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Sedia chirurgica — Carl 4 Foot

Sistema elettrico di regolazione dell’altezza tramite pedali con comandi sulla parte superi...

Vedi il prodotto
Chirurgo Sedia Braccioli Microchirurgia Oftalmologia ORL Neurochirurgia Chirurgia plastica Chirurgia dentale

Sedia chirurgica — Carl Spring

Regolazione meccanica dell’altezza con comando ergonomico a pedale posizionato sotto la sed...

Vedi il prodotto
Chirurgo Sedia Braccioli Microchirurgia Oftalmologia ORL Neurochirurgia Chirurgia plastica Chirurgia dentale

Sedia chirurgica — Carl Swing

Sedia girevole e mobile con regolazione meccanica dell’altezza, comando a pedale posizionat...

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Today, Rini, together with the rest of Sweden, will hold a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the tragic school shooting in Örebro.

Today, Rini, together with the rest of Sweden, will hold a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the tragic school shooting in Örebro. ...

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Malin swing- Dances around💃

The patient chair that will ease up the work, and make it possible to do examinations in a good ergonomic position, both seated and standing up, due to the wide range of movement.

#Malin #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #ophthalmologie

Malin swing- Dances around💃

The patient chair that will ease up the work, and make it possible to do examinations in a good ergonomic position, both seated and standing up, due to the wide range of movement.

#Malin #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #ophthalmologie

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Today we celebrate Lucia in Sweden, it’s an annual celebration the 13th of December.
A girl dressed up as Lucia with a candle lit crown together with a full choir singing Christmas and Lucia songs together all dressed in white dresses.
This is a beautiful tradition to get some extra light, warmth, and joy in another dark and cold period here in Sweden just before Christmas.

#lucia #RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Today we celebrate Lucia in Sweden, it’s an annual celebration the 13th of December.
A girl dressed up as Lucia with a candle lit crown together with a full choir singing Christmas and Lucia songs together all dressed in white dresses.
This is a beautiful tradition to get some extra light, warmth, and joy in another dark and cold period here in Sweden just before Christmas.

#lucia #RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

10 0
Friday dance with the Carl Mk2 R7!

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Friday dance with the Carl Mk2 R7!

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

6 0
Carl Mk2E R7!

#Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Carl Mk2E R7!

#Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

9 0
Patient positioning should be simple!

With the RiEyes automatic motion and ability to get the operating table in good comfortable position without adding extra cushions, the patient positioning will be simple and fast.
you can ofcourse fine tune the table and individually change the position along with store your own position.

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

Patient positioning should be simple!

With the RiEyes automatic motion and ability to get the operating table in good comfortable position without adding extra cushions, the patient positioning will be simple and fast.
you can ofcourse fine tune the table and individually change the position along with store your own position.

#RiEye #Carl #surgicaltable #surgicalchair #surgicaltablesmanufacturer #riniergoteknik #medicalergonomy #medicalequipment #medicinskaoprema #equiposmedicos #equiposmedicos #opthamology #eyeinjection #Ophthalmological #ophtalmology #oftalmologia #ophthalmologist #eyesurgery #cataract #retinalsurgery #glaucomasurgery #cararactsurgery #ENT #operatiedecataracta #opérationdelacataracte #plasticsurgery #eyedoctor #eyesurgeon #microcirugia #Neurosurgery #ophthalmologie

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